Equip Your Self-Defense Firearm With The Barnes Defense 12-Gauge 21 Pellet 4 Buckshot Shotshells - 5 Rounds. These 12 Gauge shotshells Boast a 21-Ounce Shot And Deliver 1200-Feet Per Second (Fps) Velocity. This 4 Buckshot Ammo Is constructed With a 2-3/4-Inch Shell Length. Comes With 5 rounds Per Box.
Equip Your Self-Defense Firearm With The Barnes Defense 12-Gauge 21 Pellet 4 Buckshot Shotshells - 5 Rounds. These 12 Gauge shotshells Boast a 21-Ounce Shot And Deliver 1200-Feet Per Second (Fps) Velocity. This 4 Buckshot Ammo Is constructed With a 2-3/4-Inch Shell Length. Comes With 5 rounds Per Box.