375 Caliber .375 Diameter 200 Grain Flat Nose Pro Hunter Power Jacket 50 Count by SIERRA BULLETSFor rifles and this bullet is designed specifically for the 375 Winchester cartridge. It has Sierra's unique PowerJacket and provides outstanding terminal performance. Sierra's Power Jacket ensures positive but even expansion in conjunction with good penetration on medium to heavy game. The cannelure location is correct for crimping and and the flat point was designed for use in tubular magazines. Thi
375 Caliber .375 Diameter 200 Grain Flat Nose Pro Hunter Power Jacket 50 Count by SIERRA BULLETSFor rifles and this bullet is designed specifically for the 375 Winchester cartridge. It has Sierra's unique PowerJacket and provides outstanding terminal performance. Sierra's Power Jacket ensures positive but even expansion in conjunction with good penetration on medium to heavy game. The cannelure location is correct for crimping and and the flat point was designed for use in tubular magazines. Thi