303 Caliber .311 Diameter 180 Grain Spitzer Pro Hunter 100 Count by SIERRA BULLETSThese bullets utilize the nominal 30 caliber dimensions common to the martial arms of several foreign entities. Most of these have found their way to the United States as either war trophies or were imported as military surplus in recent years. These include the British Lee-Enfields and the late-war Japanese Arisakas and the Russian Moisin-Nagants and SKS and AK-47s and their various clones from former Soviet bloc
303 Caliber .311 Diameter 180 Grain Spitzer Pro Hunter 100 Count by SIERRA BULLETSThese bullets utilize the nominal 30 caliber dimensions common to the martial arms of several foreign entities. Most of these have found their way to the United States as either war trophies or were imported as military surplus in recent years. These include the British Lee-Enfields and the late-war Japanese Arisakas and the Russian Moisin-Nagants and SKS and AK-47s and their various clones from former Soviet bloc